A-24B Banshee


Aircraft: Douglas A-24B (Dauntless), serial number 42-54298, 407th Bombardment Group, United States Army Air Force, Amchitka Island, summer 1943, pilot unknown.

Reference: from the photograph (above).

Kit: Italeri #2673 (Accurate Miniatures) 1/48.

Accessories/modifications: Ultracast seats (#48054), exhausts drilled out, kit 'solid rubber' tail wheel cut off and replaced with 'pneumatic' tail wheel assembly from an AMT P-40 kit, RDF loop antenna from a Hasegawa P-40 kit added, scratchbuilt pilot's armor glass and compass added.

Paint: Tamiya acrylic, Alclad Aluminum II, weathering by oil wash and silver Prismacolor pencil, Testor's Dullcoat from spray can.

Decals: From the kit with 1943 national mark red bars distressed with paint, 'Bar Fly' painted over in yellow.

Issues: The Italeri kit does not include an appropriate tail wheel for an A-24. Unclear whether aircraft 42-54298 actually flew in the Aleutians, although its unit certainly did. These aircraft would have had block tread tires to cope with the slippery Aleutian airstrips. Unclear from photographs or other information whether these aircraft were radar equipped.

A-24 and B-25 at Adak, summer 1943.


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